Spotlight: Innovations for low carbon transitions

Spotlight: Innovations for low carbon transitions

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Energy Transition Game

While there are many enthusiasts of innovations driven by technology, the history shows that all successful transformations were social in nature. It is also known that many transformations fail, and not one innovation falls short of making the breakthrough.

Today is the time when society needs successful innovations for low carbon transitions – a step change that will adjust the environmental footprint, improve the quality of life and economic viability.

The objective of Innovations for low carbon transitions – methods and tools for working with people, groups, organisations, and society – an intensive two days course, is to take the participants through 5 steps of Design Thinking fast track. The workshop is designed to strengthen the success factor of participants’ individual innovative ideas. You will work on your own case.

An intrinsic part of the course is Energy Transition Game – a learning environment, where – while acting in a role with other players – you will experience a variety of challenges, interdependencies and trade-offs connected with launching new public and private initiatives. This will build your empathy and better understanding of what is needed to achieve success at individual, group, organization, and society levels.

Over the course of the workshop you will:

  • practice leadership skills to navigate a transition in a safe but challenging environment of a simulation game,
  • acknowledge different perspectives, potentials and limitations of a systemic change,
  • learn how to apply various methods and tools which support climate transition processes,
  • share and test your ideas with other participants and experts experienced in designing and executing systemic innovations,
  • establish longstanding contacts through a peer-to-peer network.

The course is geared towards participants with the following background:

  • entrepreneurs who are planning or running climate-related startups,
  • managers who introduce new products/services in established companies,
  • managers in public administration who plan and introduce new policies and regulations,
  • scientists conducting research on climate transition processes,
  • NGO members planning or running climate projects/campaigns.

The course is participant-focused. We will address specific problems related to your initiatives, flexibly adjusting the content to meet your needs. By putting strong emphasis on social processes, the workshop is suitable for a wide range of industries and sectors.

Date Webinar:

16th of September 2017 / 27th of October 2017

Date and exact location for the course:

30-31 October 2017 l Wroclaw, Poland

For further information and online application:

Click here

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The project is funded by the European Commission (Climate-KIC). Climate-KIC (Climate Knowledge and Innovation Community) is a Europe’s largest public-private innovation partnership focused on climate change, consisting of dynamic companies, the best academic institutions, and the public sector.

Take a look at Energy Transition Game:

The project is funded by the European Commission (Climate-KIC). Climate-KIC (Climate Knowledge and Innovation Community) is a Europe’s largest public-private innovation partnership focused on climate change, consisting of dynamic companies, the best academic institutions, and the public sector.