

Description – essential information

Many of the investments needed for mitigating future impacts of climate change, such as those in infrastructure and energy, will require long-term orientation as well as a financial system that is able to produce financial flows for remedial and preventive climate action.

Rethinking notions of value and shifting towards long-term thinking are necessary to create the ecosystems that collaboratively can change our economy from an extractive to a regenerative one.

The Long-Termism project is focused on the transformation of mindsets and the establishment of mechanisms to enable shifting towards long-term thinking to facilitate sustainable behaviours and investments into sustainability. The Deep Demonstration process is co-creative and evidence-based, engaging international and academic institutions, private enterprises and the financial sector, and grass-roots movements, and civil initiatives.

The Centre for Systems Solutions is responsible for developing an online Policy Simulation prototype as a platform for creative experimentation around systemic levers. The simulation will be tested as a collaborative tool for testing alternative policies and institutions that can be then combined into a more sustainable and long-term oriented financial system.

The projects is supported by the EIT Climate-Kic Deep Demonstrations program and co-funded by EIT.

We invite you to follow the information (news) about the project.


Long-Termism policy brief workshop
On May 18th and 19th, 2020, Long-Termism project partners met online to start formulating the portfolio brief – a collection of areas of interest to...

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Long-Termism Sensemaking Workshop
On March 23rd, 24th and 25th, 2020, the partners of Long-Termism met online for an internal Sensemaking Workshop. The aim of the workshop was to...

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