ACCURENT: Accelerating Urban Energy Transitions

Contact person:
Poland, Estonia, Germany
Description – essential information
ACCURENT – Accelerating Urban Energy Transitions project aimed at developing and market-testing
a capacity building tool that would support the energy transition initiatives from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. It was addressed to municipalities and businesses dealing with energy issues (start-ups included) and other parties involved in urban energy issues.
The developed tool consisted of a social simulation – the Energy Transition Game, and a facilitated session that equipped participants with knowledge and skills to advance systemic innovations necessary for renewable energy adoption. The workshops applying the Energy Transition Game were held in 3 different countries: Poland, Germany, and Estonia.
The project helped participants gain new insights and improve collaboration between actors in the energy system via exploring unique synergies between technological, institutional and social dimensions. The systems perspective, combined with a unique engagement strategy, created new opportunities and opened ways to accelerated local or regional transformation towards renewable energy generation, energy efficiency, and social innovation. The tool can be flexibly adjusted to the specific needs of different municipalities and regions. The project was implemented within the framework of the “Climate-KIC Pathfinder” programme, funded by the European Commission (Climate-KIC). Climate-KIC (Climate Knowledge and Innovation Community) is a Europe’s largest public-private innovation partnership focused on climate change, consisting of dynamic companies, the best academic institutions, and the public sector.