Games Politicians Should Play: A seminar on European Forum Alpbach

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The European Forum Alpbach is an interdisciplinary platform for science, politics, business and culture. Established in 1945, this annual event addresses the relevant socio-political questions of our time.The Forum connects international decision-makers from all sectors of society with an interested audience and committed young people with the goal to create a dialogue across the generational, ideological and other lines that usually divide people.
As part of the European Forum Alpbach programme in 2015, the Centre for Systems Solution in cooperation with the International Institute for Systems Analysis (IIASA), held the seminar “Games Politicians Should Play” focused on presenting new cutting edge gaming methodologies to tackle complexity and to improve political decisions under uncertainty.
To support the traditional format of seminar with more participatory methods and to demonstrate to professionals from politics (e.g. civil servants, campaigners, politicians) the power of social simulations, the CRS’ team run a special version of the About That Forest social simulation during the seminar.