Green games. Libraries and non-governmental organizations involve youth in the game for nature

EEA Grants
National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management
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The main goal of the project was to raise the awareness of climate change and to promote the value of biodiversity and natural ecosystems among young people (secondary school pupils and university students). The activities were mostly targeted at librarians and workers of non-governmental organizations who were equipped with innovative game-based tools and practical skills necessary to facilitate the process of attitude change among their students.
To make the education more attractive to young people, we decided to combine learning with playing and to let the teachers and students explore the potential of ‘serious’ games. As part of the Green Games project, we thus developed four awareness-raising games. We also trained librarians and NGO workers from Poland in using these games (workshops for educators were held in 7 biggest cities in Poland). As a result, more than 10 000 young people took part in the Green Games workshops At the final stage of the project, the nationwide Polish “Ecological game festival” took place. We also issued a book “Games for Sustainability” (“Gry dla zrównoważonego rozwoju”), which gathered articles by renowned games developers, such as Ian Bogost, Pablo Suarez or Andrew David Thaler.
Project realized within the Operational Programme PL02 “The protection of the biological diversity and ecosystems” within the EEA Grants.