Policy Science Interactions: connecting science and policy

EU 7th Framework Programme
Contact person:
Netherlands, UK, Deutchland, Hungary, Poland
Description – essential information
The collaborative R&D “PSI-connect” project was funded by the European Commission under the FP7 programme. The project’s members developed, tested and disseminated knowledge brokering practices, offering opportunities to improve the quality and value of the interactions between scientists, river basin managers and policy makers in the field of climate change and water management.
The main purpose of the PSI-connect project was to bridge the gap between policy makers and research community. To achieve this goal, efforts were undertaken to maximize the efficiency of cooperation between policy-makers and strategists on one side, and scientific communities on the other.
Within the project, the Centre for Systems Solutions’ team prepared and run a workshop based on the simulation Lords of the Valley in Sandomierz, Venice and Budapest.