Teaching sustainability – Using simulation to reach the SDGs in regional transformation

27.02-28.02.2019, 08.04.2019
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Description – essential information
This intensive three-day online course is targeted at trainers, educators, academics, business owners, NGOs, public administration managers and scientists, willing to adopt an innovative game-based approach to communication about climate change and the transition to a sustainable economy.
Via various blended learning methods (videos, webinars and immersion in an exciting online simulation), participants will gain practical knowledge and skills how to set up and engage their audience in a transformative learning experience, using The World’s Future Online social simulation.
The tool and all course materials will be available to participants also when they complete the course.
The World’s Future Online is a social simulation, based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and set in the context of global climate change. As leaders of three economically diversified countries, players embark on a difficult task to ensure their fictional nations a more sustainable and fair future. Thanks to the dynamics of direct interactions among players, the experiential environment of the simulation reveals the complexity behind social, economic and environmental systems, highlighting the potential trade-offs and synergies that emerge while collectively pursuing the SDGs.
The course is divided into three days:
Day 1 – 27.02.2019
Online workshop with the game (5-6 hours)
Day 2 – 28.02.2019
Train the trainer webinar (4-6 hours) covering the following topics:
- the methodology behind the social simulations approach,
- how to use the simulation and in which situations,
- debriefing scenario.
Day 3 – 08.04.2019
Final Q&A webinar session (2-4 hours)
Trainers, educators, academics, business owners, et.c (course participants), will complete the course with the ability to set up and lead sessions of The World’s Future. In particular, they will:
- enrich their portfolio of lesson options and workshop techniques with an innovative simulation;
- develop their facilitation and moderation skills;
- be able to encourage theirs audience to apply systems thinking to complex problems;
- know how to engage their audience in testing their assumptions and knowledge on climate change and allow them to bear the in-game consequences of their decision-making.
Students, trainees, etc. (players) will gain skills required to understand and engage in the sustainable transition. In particular, they will:
- confront the challenges of achieving the global goals and develop the competencies needed to do so;
- learn what it takes to adopt and integrate technological and social innovations to achieve the goals;
- develop strategies and skills for negotiation, effective communication and collaboration;
- explore various options that can be exercised on the way to a sustainable future;
- realize what contributions can be made by different actors to reach the global goals.
The course will be held in English.
Register here.
Deadline for registration: Mon, Feb 11, 2019
The project is being implemented within the framework of the “Climate-KIC Spotlight” programme, funded by the European Commission (Climate-KIC). Climate-KIC (Climate Knowledge and Innovation Community) is a Europe’s largest public-private innovation partnership focused on climate change, consisting of dynamic companies, the best academic institutions, and the public sector.

We invite you to follow the information (news) about the project.