Water-sewage management in Dziewin

The Sendzimir Foundation
Municipality of Ścinawa
Wojewódzki Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej we Wrocławiu
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Description – essential information
The Water-sewage management in Dziewin project was inspired by a real problem faced by Dziewin, a village inhabited by 150 people and located in the administrative district of Lubin. Like most rural areas in Poland, the village has no sewage system, and the plans for its construction were – for financial reasons – postponed for a distant future. This decision not only negatively affected the quality of life in Dziewin but also threatened the environment and reduced the tourist attractiveness of the region. Meanwhile, the area is rich with natural resources and is known for the unique riparian forests (a potential Natura 2000 area).
An additional advantage of the village is the exceptional commitment of the local community, who acts in the Partnership for Central Odra River Valley, organizing plain-air painting and sculpture workshops and festivities on various occasions (including the August Days of Dziewin).
The motto of the Water-sewage management in Dziewin project was to create a model partnership (of residents, students, local governments, entrepreneurs, and professionals from outside) to collaboratively develop a solution to the problem of sewage management in Dziewin.
Publication “Partycypacyjne planowanie gospodarki ściekowej w Dziewinie”
Films “Jak powstawała oczyszczalnia roślinna w Dziewinie”