Testing an advanced prototype of Sustainable Urban Heating Simulation in Graz, Austria

Testing an advanced prototype of Sustainable Urban Heating Simulation in Graz, Austria

Testing an advanced prototype of Sustainable Urban Heating Simulation in Graz, Austria

Team including Piotr Magnuszewski, Jenan Irshaid and Junko Mochizuki with the support from Marta Magnuszewska, hosted a social simulation workshop at the Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change at University of Graz.

The Sustainable Urban Heating Simulation (SUHS) has been designed by the Centre for Systems Solutions in collaboration with the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis team. The SUHS represents sustainability transition challenges of a typical Austrian urban city, characterized by biophysical, regulatory, and economic barriers to adoption of low and zero emission heating options.

Participants of this event included local representatives of E5 initiative, student and faculty members of University of Graz.