CWETLAND simulation – we’ve tested it with consortium

CWETLAND simulation – we’ve tested it with consortium

CWETLAND simulation – we’ve tested it with consortium

On 9th March we met with our partners from Latin America in order to present the prototype of the CWetland simulation and receive feedback that can be implemented in the following steps of our work. The meeting was conducted by Michalina Kułakowska – the main coordinator of the project on our side.

The meeting started with a short update on the progress i.e created roles, icons, interface and projects within the simulation. Beforehand the test Michalina did a brief intro explaining how to navigate through the platform. The whole test took around 40 minutes. The participants’ task was to get along among them and make the best possible investment in the area of wastewater treatment. They could communicate via inbuilt platform chats or speaking out aloud through Zoom. After that, all gathered discussed how to improve the already existing part, which elements should be added and what is their general assessment on the prototype which was very positive.

Next steps in the development would be taken after the written feedback which we are supposed to receive in the middle of the March.