PLUS Change Kick-Off Meeting

PLUS Change Kick-Off Meeting

PLUS Change Kick-Off Meeting

In the middle of June, Piotr Magnuszewski attended the kick-off meeting of the PLUS Change (Planning Land Use Strategies: Meeting biodiversity, climate and social objectives in a changing world) project in Prague.

PLUS Change is a Horizon Europe programme that aims to develop strategies and decision-making processes for land use that effectively address challenges related  to climate change, biodiversity and human well-being. 

During the kick-off meeting project partners presented 11 case studies and a multiplier case, outlined the work and planned future activities. The PLUS Change adopts a social perspective to understand how values, knowledge, governance, powers and roles of different actors interact to influence land use decisions.

Our organisation will produce policy simulations with the goal of including individual behaviour patterns in the decision-making processes for land use. In the course of the meetings Piotr presented on how the simulation will be used to enrich the project’s findings.

Plus Change
Piotr presenting on how social simulations will be used in the project

For more information follow the project on LinkedIn and Twitter. If you want to know more about our role in the project and how social simulations will be applied for the purposes of the PLUS Change – reach out to the project coordinator – Paolo Campo

The PLUS Change project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 101081464.