Nexus Game in Zimbabwe

Nexus Game in Zimbabwe

Nexus Game in Zimbabwe

Piotr Magnuszewski co-organized and co-conducted a workshop on nexus approach in the Zambezi Basin as part of the ISWEL project (Integrated Solutions for Water, Energy, and Land), led by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), the Global Environment Facility (GEF), and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).

The workshop’s overarching objective was to gather the representatives of National Stakeholders’ Coordination Committees (NASCs) and other experts on energy, agriculture and environment, to jointly discuss desirable futures for water-energy-land in the Zambezi basin and its riparian countries. As part of the initiative, Piotr Magnuszewski led a session of the Nexus Game for young researchers.

All the participants were actively engaged in the process and admitted that the tool is very useful to grasp the complexity of the transboundary water management and to start discussion about investments, pollution, dam water releases and legal policies and legislations. As one of the players said: “I have learned that focus should not be put on issues of income only, but also on water preservation in preparation for dry seasons and drought. I have also learned that climate change is real and anything can happen in any year, e.g. droughts or floods and one needs to be prepared for these extreme events.”