PLUS Change – Planning Land Use Strategies: Meeting biodiversity, climate and social objectives in a changing world

PLUS Change is an EU-funded Horizon project that aims to create strategies and decision-making processes for land use, addressing issues related climate change, biodiversity, and human well-being. By bringing together a diverse range of stakeholders and incorporating case studies from across Europe, the project focuses on understanding the relationships between urban, regional, and peri-urban areas. The overarching goal is to generate knowledge and drive transformative change towards a sustainable world.

The Centre for Systems Solutions is one of 23 consortium partners, involving transdisciplinary expertise from the sciences, social sciences, humanities, and arts. Our 12 Practice Cases are real-world examples of land use decision making and action within a geographic area, and include Amsterdam, NL; Nitra City, SK; Flanders, BE; Kaigu Wetland, LV; Park Ela, CH; Province of Lucca, IT; Green Karst, SI; Three Countries Park, DE, BE, & NL; South Moravia, CZ; Surrey, UK; Ile de France, FR; Mazovian Region, PL.

Throughout the project, we adopt a transdisciplinary perspective to understanding how values, knowledge, governance, powers, and roles of different actors interact to influence land use decisions. We strive to recognise the diverse needs and values associated with land use, considering the consequences of effective interventions and good governance. Our approach to land use planning takes a long-term, dynamic perspective, considering social and physical changes over time, trade-offs, synergies, and expected/desired climate and biodiversity trends. The transfer and exchange of experiences and knowledge between different practice cases and land use domains play a crucial role in achieving the goal of inducing positive change. By learning from different perspectives and experiences, the project strives to create a more sustainable and climate-friendly approach to land use, benefiting both the environment and the communities.

Specifically, our organization will design and develop social simulations that support the co-construction of transformation pathways for sustainable land-use strategies under Work Package 4, which the Centre for Systems Solutions also leads.

We invite you to follow the information (news) about the project!

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 101081464.



PLUS Change Kick-Off Meeting
In the middle of June, Piotr Magnuszewski attended the kick-off meeting of the PLUS Change (Planning Land Use Strategies: Meeting biodiversity, climate and social objectives...

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