CASCADES Final Conference – tackling cross-border climate impacts

CASCADES Final Conference – tackling cross-border climate impacts

CASCADES Final Conference – tackling cross-border climate impacts

In mid-October, a diverse assembly of 150 scientists from around the globe convened for the CASCADES final conference dedicated to the issue of cross-border climate impacts and risks. Over three days, participants from various disciplines collaborated to enhance our understanding and response strategies for these emerging global challenges.

Innovative Policy Simulations

A highlight of the conference was the interactive policy simulation demonstration organized by the Scientific Director of the Centre for Systems Solutions (CRS) – Piotr Magnuszewski. These simulations, unique in their approach, combine challenge, immersion, emotions, and experiential learning in a safe environment. They are designed to engage a diverse group of stakeholders, including policymakers, researchers, and students.

Throughout the CASCADES project, three specific policy simulations were developed: Arctic Future, Raw Materials Challenge, Future of Food

These simulations were applied as part of the CASCADES Core Workshops, demonstrating their utility as educational tools to communicate research findings, but most importantly to co-develop policies with relevant stakeholders (below are just some examples of policies proposed by participants). 

The Cascades Game: An Educational Innovation

The CASCADES Consortium also introduced the Cascades Game, a multiplayer and interactive educational tool. This game serves as an engaging introduction to the concept of cascading climate impacts and the policy responses needed to address these challenges.

Policy Simulations Poster

A Collaborative Effort

This joint conference marked the final event of the EU sister projects “CASCADES” and “RECEIPT,” signifying a collaborative milestone in the field of climate research. By fostering a multidisciplinary dialogue and leveraging innovative tools, the conference underscored the importance of integrated approaches to tackling the complex, cross-border nature of climate impacts.

As the CASCADES project concludes, the insights and tools developed will continue to inform and shape global strategies for climate resilience.