RURITAGE invites rural communities to join the project as Role Models

RURITAGE invites rural communities to join the project as Role Models

RURITAGE invites rural communities to join the project as Role Models

RURITAGE is a European project that aims at demonstrating how cultural and natural heritage can emerge as a driver of sustainable development and competitiveness of rural areas.

The project has recently launched the call of interest for local actors in rural areas for joining the project as additional Role Models.
Candidate Role Models can apply by submitting good practices they have been implementing in their territories. The good practice should demonstrate how the local community relied on its cultural and natural heritage for regenerating its area. The call is open until 31 October 2018 for rural communities from both EU Member States and non-EU countries.

Additional Role Models selected following the call will have an excellent opportunity to enhance their good practices through the exchange of experiences with other Role Models and RURITAGE experts. Their good practices will be showcased to a broad range of audiences with an interest in rural regeneration. The wide promotion of the RURITAGE Role Models will increase the visibility of their rural area worldwide.

For more information about the RURITAGE project and how to become a Role Model, click here.

The RURITAGE project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776465.