New Shores workshops during the One Young World Summit

New Shores workshops during the One Young World Summit

New Shores workshops during the One Young World Summit

This year we were invited to host two workshop sessions with New Shores simulation during the One Young World conference on the 22nd and 25th of July. We joined several inspiring and experienced figures such as Sir Bob Geldof, Angela Merkel, Hilde Hardeman, María Juliana Ruiz Sandoval, and organizations – The Fairtrade Foundation, The Google News Lab, and many many more, who hosted their panels or workshops during the event.

One Young World Summit invites young delegates from all around the world to participate in workshops and listen to keynotes and speeches by influential political, business, and social leaders. This year the Summit was hosted in mixed forms, having face-to-face events in Munich and various online events on specially prepared online platforms.

Michalina Kulakowska facilitated two 1-hour workshops, where young delegates, from Thailand, South Africa, and Turkey, among others, could test and experience life on the New Shores island.

More about New Shores.