Translating Models into a Game Design chapter, in Urban Sustainability book published by Springer

Translating Models into a Game Design chapter, in Urban Sustainability book published by Springer

Translating Models into a Game Design chapter, in Urban Sustainability book published by Springer

An article written by Michalina Kułakowska and Aleksandra Solińska-Nowak found its way to the “Urban Sustainability” book. The Urban Sustainability published by Springer is a book that gives an innovative pedagogy to students who will be the policymakers of tomorrow. It guides students through experience, processes of complex decision making, and sharpens their clarity of thought, to enhance their communication abilities and help them develop critical thinking. It delivers key competencies to address the complexities of sustainable development.

In their chapter, Translating Models into a Game Design, Michalina and Aleksandra aim at showing how abstract notions can be translated to game elements without losing their meaning. The chapter offers detailed explanations of the process of translating models of real-life systems into rules and elements of a board game. Furthermore, the authors provide a state-of-the-art overview of board games that deal with sustainability issues, focusing on their advantages and disadvantages identified based on past research on serious games.

Text developed in the EU’s Erasmus+ program for education and training, SUSTAIN project.

You can read the whole book here.