Games in education: the role of games in teaching participation and social change in urban and rural areas

Games in education: the role of games in teaching participation and social change in urban and rural areas

Games in education: the role of games in teaching participation and social change in urban and rural areas

Early July, we joined the conference Game – Activate – Together. The use of gaming in social participation in the Utopia Home – International Empathy Centre in Kraków.

One of the events during the conference was a panel session entitled “Games in education: the role of games in teaching participation and social change in urban and rural areas”, led by Łukasz Kowalski from the Games4Earth. (It is worth mentioning  that a few months after the conference Łukasz Kowalski joined our team). Bartosz Naprawa from our organization participated in the panel, together with a representative of GDEvents, and took that opportunity to discuss various examples of using our games and social simulations for educational purposes.

The conference was organized by the Jagiellonian University and Institute of Urban and Regional Development, as part of the dissemination process of the projects Ruralities and Eurbanities 2.0, funded by the Erasmus+ Programme.