
Cascading Climate Impacts workshop

On April 1, 2020, Piotr Magnuszewski led a session of the CASCADING CLIMATE IMPACTS simulation focused on cascading impacts of climate change-related hazards. The event, organized within the CASCADES project, engaged 50 international stakeholders from financial institutions, governments, public...

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Cascading Climate Impacts simulation test

On March 30, 2020, the CRS team tested a new simulation developed as part of the CASCADES project. The CASCADING CLIMATE IMPACTS simulation was developed to demonstrate the effects of intersecting crises occurring worldwide. It is addressed to decision-makers;...

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Forging Resilient Regions webinar

On March 27, 2020, we conducted a webinar for Andalusian leaders and other cross-cutting partners. The aim of this session was to share how to create system maps using the basic features in the Miro tool. The first part...

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Long-Termism Sensemaking Workshop

On March 23rd, 24th and 25th, 2020, the partners of Long-Termism met online for an internal Sensemaking Workshop. The aim of the workshop was to explore the work done so far in the field of long-term thinking, both by...

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Share your competences – internal workshop on WORDPRESS

On the 25th of February, Michalina Kułakowska organized a short workshop on the Wordpress functionalities. Participants learned how to create and edit subpages on websites in the Wordpress environment. The workshop was organized to support the idea of learning...

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CASCADES conceptual framework meeting in Potsdam

On the 18th of February Łukasz Jarząbek and Piotr Magnuszewski participated in the conceptual framework meeting of our Horizon 2020 CASCADES project.  The meeting took place in Potsdam and was organized by the project coordinator, the Potsdam Institute for Climate...

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First test of an advanced prototype of a new simulation

On the 14th of February, all employees of our organization took part in a test o a new exciting social simulation. All participants took on the roles of advisors for various countries and organizations from all around the world, including...

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New Shores demonstration at the Institute of Banking

On December 10, 2019 Piotr Magnuszewski and Aleksandra Solinska-Nowak met with the representatives of Ernst & Young Dublin and the Institute of Banking in Dublin. The objective of the event was to present the potential of social simulations...

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