
Raw Materials Challenge simulation at the INGSA2021 Conference

We ran a workshop with our Raw Materials Challenge simulation as a satellite event to the 4th International Conference on Science Advice to Governments (INGSA2021). The event took place online, on 08.09.2021. We organized this workshop together with the...

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Raw Materials Challenge simulation at the AAAS-TWAS Course on Science Diplomacy

Once again, we ran a workshop with our Raw Materials Challenge simulation. This time, we used it during the course on science diplomacy, organized jointly by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and The World Academy...

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REBOOST on “Culture Train”

Our REBOOST partners presented the project on their train to Wrocław. The “Culture Train Berlin-Wrocław” is an annual initiative that gives various organizations from Germany and Poland to present their activities to the passengers of the train en-route to...

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Translating Models into a Game Design chapter, in Urban Sustainability book published by Springer

An article written by Michalina Kułakowska and Aleksandra Solińska-Nowak found its way to the “Urban Sustainability” book. The Urban Sustainability published by Springer is a book that gives an innovative pedagogy to students who will be the policymakers of...

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Community Organizing Game workshop in Wrocław

On the 3rd of August 2021, we organized a face-to-face workshop with a new simulation about community organizing. This was the first face-to-face workshop we organized since March 2020. We invited our partners from Fundacja Rzecz Społeczna, to play the...

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New Shores workshops during the One Young World Summit

This year we were invited to host two workshop sessions with New Shores simulation during the One Young World conference on the 22nd and 25th of July. We joined several inspiring and experienced figures such as Sir Bob Geldof,...

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Social simulation during Cascading Resource Scarcity: Science Diplomacy at the Intersection of Climate Change

On July 22, 2021, in cooperation with IIASA, National Research Council Canada, ISSP (uOttawa), and Mitacs, we ran an online workshop with our policy simulation exploring themes related to cascading climate impacts. The simulation took place entirely online in a...

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Piotr Magnuszewski was a guest on the SAPEA podcast

Piotr Magnuszewski and Nicole Arbour (Belmont Forum, IIASA) were invited to the Science Advice for Policy by European Academies (SAPEA) podcast to talk about the usefulness of policy simulations in enriching science policy. The two speakers had worked together during...

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