Social Simulations at the Sustainability Forum Exchange

Social Simulations at the Sustainability Forum Exchange

Social Simulations at the Sustainability Forum Exchange

On June 6, 2021, we took part in the IFC Sustainability Forum Exchange, an online conference organized by the International Finance Corporation around the themes of technology, trust, and transformation. The attendees included people involved in the topics of climate change and energy transition; local community impacts and development; urban transit and smart mobility; transparency, connectivity, voice, and responsible leadership; gender equality and youth inclusion.

As part of the conference, we held a two-hour online workshop with two of our social simulations: a modified version of Save the Future, and the award-winning New Shores. Interested attendees joined and played under the guidance of our facilitators: Piotr Magnuszewski and Krzysztof Grynienko; as well as moderators: Władysław Zołoto, Łukasz Magnuszewski, Bartosz Naprawa, Timothy Giger, Hubert Brychczyński, Michalina Kułakowska, and Aleksandra Solińska-Nowak.

Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash