Social simulation about sustainable development for high school students

Social simulation about sustainable development for high school students

Together with the partners of the FutureSIM project, we have developed an innovative social simulation for high school students. The simulation Up to You! focuses on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is part of a broader educational program...

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Up to You! in a local highschool in Wrocław

Up to You! in a local highschool in Wrocław

In the middle of June, we held the second test of the Up to You! Simulation in the secondary school No. 10 in Wrocław. The event gathered 15-16 years old students. Some of them had previous experience with the...

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Making Europe’s Future Sustainable: we are part of yet another Erasmus+ project

Making Europe’s Future Sustainable: we are part of yet another Erasmus+ project

The kick of meeting of Making Europe's Future Sustainable project took place in Vienna on June 20. The initiative financed under the Erasmus + program is aimed at youth (aged 14-19 years) and their teachers. It assumes the creation of...

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