The RURITAGE test with students of Wyższa Szkoła Filologiczna

The RURITAGE test with students of Wyższa Szkoła Filologiczna

Two first-year English philology classes had the opportunity to play Ruritania, a simulation developed by the Centre for Systems Solutions as part of the Ruritage project. The Ruritania focuses on rural regeneration using cultural heritage - this includes developing...

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Nakambe strategic simulation in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Nakambe strategic simulation in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

As the SUSFISH+ project is coming to the end, Piotr Magnuszewski participated in the project’s final meeting in the Ouagadougu, Burkina Faso. Piotr, together with our partners from BOKU (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences), Vienna University and University...

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New Shores workshop at Wroclaw University of Economy, 2019 edition

New Shores workshop at Wroclaw University of Economy, 2019 edition

We visited the Wrocław University of Economy for this year edition of the Szkoła Liderow Lokalnych! A group of students of economics took part in a photo-presentation of various types of activism from voluntarism, social cooperatives, associations and the...

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Prototype test of Sustainable Urban Heating Simulation at International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

Prototype test of Sustainable Urban Heating Simulation at International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

Piotr Magnuszewski and our partners at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis tested the newest version of the Sustainable Urban Heating Simulation (SUHS) which was created for the Co-design project. We invited researchers from IIASA to work together...

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“Teaching sustainability” starts soon

“Teaching sustainability” starts soon

The recruitment for an online course "Teaching sustainability - Using simulation to reach the SDGs in regional transformation" has just been launched. This intensive three-day event is organized by the Center for Systems Solutions in partnership with Climate-KIC and...

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SUSTAIN project meeting in Wroclaw

SUSTAIN project meeting in Wroclaw

The 3rd transnational meeting of SUSTAIN project took place in Wroclaw, Poland. On the 10th and 11th of January, we’ve met with our partners from Greece, Italy, and Romania to discuss the progress of our tasks. One of the...

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The World’s Future at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany

The World’s Future at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany

The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and the University of Koblenz-Landau came together to test a social simulation developed by IIASA researchers and the Centre for Systems Solutions on the Sustainable Development Goals. With the adoption of the...

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Nexus Game workshop at 9th GEF Biennial International Waters Conference

Nexus Game workshop at 9th GEF Biennial International Waters Conference

Magdalena Liszka and Piotr Magnuszewski flew all the way to the Marrakech, Morocco. But not to sightsee and relax! Centre for Systems Solutions was invited to the 9th GEF Biennial International Waters Conference! 9th GEF Biennial International Waters Conference...

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Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the System Dynamics field

Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the System Dynamics field

Special Issue of System Dynamics Review “Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the System Dynamics field” has just been published. The guest editors of this issue are John D. Sterman and Nelson P. Repenning, professors at MIT Sloan School of...

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The “A Game of Common-pool Resource Management: Effects of Communication, Risky Environment and Worldviews” article available online

The “A Game of Common-pool Resource Management: Effects of Communication, Risky Environment and Worldviews” article available online

We recommend reading a new article: “A Game of Common-pool Resource Management: Effects of Communication, Risky Environment and Worldviews” penned by Peter Bednarik, Joanne Linnerooth-Bayer, Ulf Dieckmann and Piotr Magnuszewski. The topic of common-pool resource management was never before...

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