“Teaching sustainability” starts soon

“Teaching sustainability” starts soon

The recruitment for an online course "Teaching sustainability - Using simulation to reach the SDGs in regional transformation" has just been launched. This intensive three-day event is organized by the Center for Systems Solutions in partnership with Climate-KIC and...

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The World’s Future at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany

The World’s Future at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany

The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and the University of Koblenz-Landau came together to test a social simulation developed by IIASA researchers and the Centre for Systems Solutions on the Sustainable Development Goals. With the adoption of the...

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Transformative Innovation Labs Workshop – kick-off meeting

Transformative Innovation Labs Workshop – kick-off meeting

Launched on May 15, Transformative Innovation Labs Workshop (TILW) aims to to empower students to carry out a transformative, transdisciplinary master thesis build on a systematic understanding of complex sustainability issues and targets like the SDGs and planetary boundaries....

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European External Action Service played The World’s Future

European External Action Service played The World’s Future

The training event invited the participants from the European External Action Service (EU's diplomatic service) to take part in The World’s Future social simulation. The training was developed and facilitated by experts from the Centre for Systems Solutions and...

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We tested our skills in moderating The World’s Future!

We tested our skills in moderating The World’s Future!

Thanks to the brilliant comments of the participants of the previous workshops, we came up with new ideas to implement into our social simulation The World’s Future. Before including new elements in the current version of The World’s Future,...

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The World’s Future game at the OECD headquarters in Paris

The World’s Future game at the OECD headquarters in Paris

Centre for Systems Solutions teamed up with International Institute for Systems Analysis (IIASA) and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to organize gaming session of the advanced prototype of The World’s Future Game. The game session was a part...

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