Community Organizing Game workshop for future moderators

Community Organizing Game workshop for future moderators

On the 15th of October 2021, we conducted a remote workshop with the Story of Change project partners to prepare them to run the tests of the Community Organizing Game.  The workshop was organized online, and it involved representatives of...

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Moderator training for New Shores facilitators – Young Innovators Lab

Moderator training for New Shores facilitators – Young Innovators Lab

On April 15, 2020 we led training on how to facilitate the New Shores simulation and debriefing sessions. The online event was held as part of the Climate-KIC- Young Innovators 2020 Cyprus program and gathered teaching staff of the...

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Climate-KIC Train-the-Trainers Berlin 2018

Climate-KIC Train-the-Trainers Berlin 2018

Like each year, Climate-KIC organized Train-the-Trainer workshop event for its network of coaches. It was aimed at developing facilitation skills for coaches that are involved in Pioneers into Practice and Journey programmes. Michał Pająk from Centre for Systems Solutions was...

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