Cultural Memory Game open test

Cultural Memory Game open test

It was the third test of our new Cultural Memory Game which is created within the EDUCEN project. We arranged an event page on Facebook beforehand and were happy to find the office well-filled with nine players. The test was...

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Gifts of Culture internal test

Gifts of Culture internal test

We organized an internal test of Gifts of Culture game. Led by Pawel Antoniewicz, it was a chance to test the latest version of the game. In the feedback session afterward, we collected ideas for future improvements. The role-playing simulation...

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First open test of our new simulation game Cultural Memory Game

First open test of our new simulation game Cultural Memory Game

First open test of our new simulation game Cultural Memory Game was a big success. Players praised the mechanisms and gameplay. The game, though simple in the beginning, took an emotional turn after the surprising reveal. Some of the players...

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The first test of the Cultural Memory Game

The first test of the Cultural Memory Game

The Cultural Memory Game shows players the importance of understanding disaster risk. Participants of the game apprehend the value of remembering past crises to prepare for potential occurrences in the future. Five players participated in the first test of the...

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