Social Simulations at the Sustainability Forum Exchange

Social Simulations at the Sustainability Forum Exchange

On June 6, 2021, we took part in the IFC Sustainability Forum Exchange, an online conference organized by the International Finance Corporation around the themes of technology, trust, and transformation. The attendees included people involved in the topics of...

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Social Simulations and Games4Sustaiability webinar for SAGANET

Social Simulations and Games4Sustaiability webinar for SAGANET

On the 18th of February, in reponse to an invitation from SAGANET, a Dutch serious games association, we presented at a webinar about serious games for sustainability.SAGANET regularly organizes serious games-related webinars for the members of the association. Because...

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“New Shores” wins 2014-2020 Best Educational Project Award

“New Shores” wins 2014-2020 Best Educational Project Award

We are proud to announce that one of our games, “New Shores”, received 2014-2020 Best Educational Project Award for Non-Formal Youth Education in the competition “EDUinspiracje”. The competition was organized by the Foundation for the Development of the Education...

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New Shores workshop at Wroclaw University of Economy, 2019 edition

New Shores workshop at Wroclaw University of Economy, 2019 edition

We visited the Wrocław University of Economy for this year edition of the Szkoła Liderow Lokalnych! A group of students of economics took part in a photo-presentation of various types of activism from voluntarism, social cooperatives, associations and the...

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5th Transnational Partner Meeting – NAURU Game for Active Citizenship of Europe

5th Transnational Partner Meeting – NAURU Game for Active Citizenship of Europe

On September 4, 2018, a last face-to-face meeting took place as part of the New Shores project. Its main objective was to prepare for the final event - training for future New Shores moderators that will be held in...

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Erasmus+ Project Meeting

Erasmus+ Project Meeting

We live in a world of dynamic changes that affect global policy, economy and ecology. How not to get lost and be part of these processes, actively shaping our common future? We addressed these and other questions at the...

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Nauru Game for Active Citizenship of Youth kick-off meeting

Nauru Game for Active Citizenship of Youth kick-off meeting

Take a look into the kick-off meeting of our new project Nauru Game for Active Citizenship of Youth, funded by Erasmus+ Programme! It aims at developing citizenship competencies of youth learners by using the innovative educational tool “Nauru Game”. The...

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