Recruitment for a train-the-trainer workshop in Poland!

Recruitment for a train-the-trainer workshop in Poland!

After over a year of hard work and user testing, the New Shores game and its accompanying materials are now available on the Edmodo platform. However, this success does not mean that the work on the project is finished....

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5th Transnational Partner Meeting – NAURU Game for Active Citizenship of Europe

5th Transnational Partner Meeting – NAURU Game for Active Citizenship of Europe

On September 4, 2018, a last face-to-face meeting took place as part of the New Shores project. Its main objective was to prepare for the final event - training for future New Shores moderators that will be held in...

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Exploring New Shores with students of Syracuse University

Exploring New Shores with students of Syracuse University

On August 25, 2018 we had the pleasure to host a group of students from Syracuse University in New York, USA. Visiting Central Europe as part of "The European Identity Seminar", they began in Berlin, Germany moved to Wroclaw,...

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Preparations for the October New Shores workshop

Preparations for the October New Shores workshop

The October workshop for future moderators of the New Shores - a Game for Democracy is to be launched soon (you can already register for the free meeting here). Meanwhile, as part of the preparations, we organized an open...

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World’ Environmental Day with New Shores!

World’ Environmental Day with New Shores!

On June 5, 2018, on the occasion of the World’ Environmental Day, we held an open New Shores online session. A world in which individual and collective motivations of the players do not always go in line with the...

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Celebrate the World Environment Day by playing the New Shores game!

Celebrate the World Environment Day by playing the New Shores game!

The World Environment Day - the UN's most important day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the protection of our environment. Above all, World Environment Day is the "people's day" for doing something to take care of the...

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Workshop with New Shores at Wrocław University of Economics

Workshop with New Shores at Wrocław University of Economics

We visited the Wrocław University of Economy for this year edition of the Szkoła Liderów Lokalnych! A group of 19 students of economics took part in a photo-presentation of various types of activism from voluntarism, social cooperatives, associations and the...

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Workshop with New Shores – testing the game with educators

Workshop with New Shores – testing the game with educators

We met with educators, lecturers, librarians and other youth workers to play New Shores - an unusual game that aims to bring the topic of participation, cooperation and making sustainable decisions closer to young citizens of Europe. Is the...

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New Shores – testing the game with young learners

New Shores – testing the game with young learners

November evenings don’t have to be boring - as we learned last Friday, testing New Shores - a Game for Democracy with members of the local Kids and Youth Club run by the Association Żółty Parasol. Players landed on...

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Nauru Game project meeting in Budapest

Nauru Game project meeting in Budapest

The work on the project Nauru Game for Active Citizenship of Youth is in full swing. This time we were discussing the progress in the development of New Shores - Game for Democracy and the accompanying educational materials in...

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