Feel the Magic of Collaboration: (After)Fantasy Simulation

Feel the Magic of Collaboration: (After)Fantasy Simulation

At the turn of November and December, we organised a unique two-day workshop Education to Citizenship – Feel the Magic of Collaboration! in EkoCentrum, Wrocław. The workshop featured the (After)Fantasy simulation, and demonstrated that complex problems can be addressed...

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Education to Citizenship in Katowice

Education to Citizenship in Katowice

In June, another series of workshops from the Education to Citizenship project was held in Katowice, Poland. This time around the workshops were an advanced course on team building and leadership. In the span of three days of the...

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Education to citizenship: advanced-level course

Education to citizenship: advanced-level course

In June, another edition course for civic educators (in Polish) - "Education to Citizenship" will take place. The advanced-level course program consists of two parts that will be held in different cities. The first part will take place in...

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Education to Citizenship – study visit to Norway

Education to Citizenship – study visit to Norway

In April, our team took part in a study visit to Norway as part of the project “Education to Citizenship”. The study visit was hosted by the project partner – Phronesis SA.  Over the course of three eventful days, we...

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Education to Citizenship – upcoming trainings

Education to Citizenship – upcoming trainings

The Education to Citizenship project was created with the arising need to develop and consolidate civic education tools for adults. The purpose of the events organized together with the Common Thing Foundation, the Stanislaw Brzozowski Association (Krytyka Polityczna) and...

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