CASCADES: Second Core Workshop with Project Stakeholders

CASCADES: Second Core Workshop with Project Stakeholders

The second Core Workshop with Stakeholders took place online on 21st September 2021. The workshop was organized together with Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and in collaboration with the project partners. The morning session consisted of a policy simulation...

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CASCADES post-workshop webinar

CASCADES post-workshop webinar

On the 26th of June, we’ve met with over 20 stakeholders for the post-workshop webinar. The purpose of this meeting was to summarise the learnings from the first CASCADES core workshop and follow-up activities. Agata Śliwa facilitated the webinar...

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RURITAGE project General Assembly 2020

RURITAGE project General Assembly 2020

On May 27 and 28, all RURITAGE partners met online for the General Assembly of the project. The general assembly allows all parties involved to be up to date with activities carried out in the project.  On the first day of...

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We collaborated with Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs! – Simulation webinar for the FDFA, Switzerland

We collaborated with Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs! – Simulation webinar for the FDFA, Switzerland

We facilitated the Cascading Climate Impacts simulation session during the training organized by adelphi for the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Switzerland. The event took place on the 19th of May. We originally developed the Cascading Climate Impacts policy simulation...

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Cascading Climate Impacts workshop

Cascading Climate Impacts workshop

On April 1, 2020, Piotr Magnuszewski led a session of the CASCADING CLIMATE IMPACTS simulation focused on cascading impacts of climate change-related hazards. The event, organized within the CASCADES project, engaged 50 international stakeholders from financial institutions, governments, public...

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Cascading Climate Impacts simulation test

Cascading Climate Impacts simulation test

On March 30, 2020, the CRS team tested a new simulation developed as part of the CASCADES project. The CASCADING CLIMATE IMPACTS simulation was developed to demonstrate the effects of intersecting crises occurring worldwide. It is addressed to decision-makers;...

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The RURITAGE test with students of Wyższa Szkoła Filologiczna

The RURITAGE test with students of Wyższa Szkoła Filologiczna

Two first-year English philology classes had the opportunity to play Ruritania, a simulation developed by the Centre for Systems Solutions as part of the Ruritage project. The Ruritania focuses on rural regeneration using cultural heritage - this includes developing...

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Kick-off meeting of the RURITAGE project

Kick-off meeting of the RURITAGE project

The RURITAGE Kick-off meeting was held in Bologna. According to a recent article in The Times, the University of Bologna is one of the most beautiful buildings in Europe. It is considered the oldest university in the Western world....

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EDUCEN Handbook on Culture and Urban Disaster

EDUCEN Handbook on Culture and Urban Disaster

European disasters in Urban city centres project already came to an end but the results of our work still live on. The EDUCEN Culture and Urban disasters Handbook is finally available! The Handbook is a printable digital tool that...

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