Nexus Game in Egypt!

Nexus Game in Egypt!

Our Nexus Game took a trip to Cairo, Egypt! Piotr Magnuszewski participated in the 5-day 'Water Modelling Approaches to Egyptian Academics' workshop organized by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis and Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research and Technology...

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Workshop with New Shores – testing the game with educators

Workshop with New Shores – testing the game with educators

We met with educators, lecturers, librarians and other youth workers to play New Shores - an unusual game that aims to bring the topic of participation, cooperation and making sustainable decisions closer to young citizens of Europe. Is the...

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Resilience & Collaboration Workshop with Lords of the Valley

Resilience & Collaboration Workshop with Lords of the Valley

We played Lords of the Valley in Vienna University of Economy and Business with employees from the European Forum Alpbach! Goal of the workshop was to present the problems connected with resilience - adapting the economy to mitigate negative...

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New Shores – testing the game with young learners

New Shores – testing the game with young learners

November evenings don’t have to be boring - as we learned last Friday, testing New Shores - a Game for Democracy with members of the local Kids and Youth Club run by the Association Żółty Parasol. Players landed on...

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Pioneers into Practice Final Workshop 2017

Pioneers into Practice Final Workshop 2017

The Pioneers into Practice workshop marked the closing of the 2017 edition of the programme and served for collecting everybody´s ideas and reflections. The first day was focused on the outcomes and values that pioneers have got out of the...

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The World’s Future Game in Brussels (European Commission)

The World’s Future Game in Brussels (European Commission)

The World’s Future is a sandbox for ideas connected with 17 Sustainability Development Goals. And where is a better place to test those ideas than in the European Commission? We had a pleasure to organize workshop with an advanced prototype...

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Erasmus+ Project Meeting

Erasmus+ Project Meeting

We live in a world of dynamic changes that affect global policy, economy and ecology. How not to get lost and be part of these processes, actively shaping our common future? We addressed these and other questions at the...

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The World’s Future game at the OECD headquarters in Paris

The World’s Future game at the OECD headquarters in Paris

Centre for Systems Solutions teamed up with International Institute for Systems Analysis (IIASA) and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to organize gaming session of the advanced prototype of The World’s Future Game. The game session was a part...

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Nexus Game Session at African Development Bank in Abidjan (Ivory Coast)

Nexus Game Session at African Development Bank in Abidjan (Ivory Coast)

CRS had a pleasure to organize a Nexus Game session at the African Development Bank office in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. Piotr Magnuszewski led gaming workshop, which gave the AfDB’s employees a chance to take a different approach to the...

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