Nexus Game in Zimbabwe

Nexus Game in Zimbabwe

Piotr Magnuszewski co-organized and co-conducted a workshop on nexus approach in the Zambezi Basin as part of the ISWEL project (Integrated Solutions for Water, Energy, and Land), led by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), the Global...

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Preparations for the October New Shores workshop

Preparations for the October New Shores workshop

The October workshop for future moderators of the New Shores - a Game for Democracy is to be launched soon (you can already register for the free meeting here). Meanwhile, as part of the preparations, we organized an open...

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Kick-off meeting of the RURITAGE project

Kick-off meeting of the RURITAGE project

The RURITAGE Kick-off meeting was held in Bologna. According to a recent article in The Times, the University of Bologna is one of the most beautiful buildings in Europe. It is considered the oldest university in the Western world....

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World’ Environmental Day with New Shores!

World’ Environmental Day with New Shores!

On June 5, 2018, on the occasion of the World’ Environmental Day, we held an open New Shores online session. A world in which individual and collective motivations of the players do not always go in line with the...

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3rd Indus Basin Knowledge Forum

3rd Indus Basin Knowledge Forum

Piotr Magnuszewski participated in the Indus Basin Knowledge Forum (IBKF)! Piotr moderated one of the panels “Water, Energy, and Land Nexus in the Indus Basin: Exploring future and desirable futures”. During the last day of the Forum, Piotr also led...

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Celebrate the World Environment Day by playing the New Shores game!

Celebrate the World Environment Day by playing the New Shores game!

The World Environment Day - the UN's most important day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the protection of our environment. Above all, World Environment Day is the "people's day" for doing something to take care of the...

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Olga Mironenko’s presentation on anthropogenic pollution and unsustainable fishing practices

Olga Mironenko’s presentation on anthropogenic pollution and unsustainable fishing practices

We had a pleasure to host Olga Mironenko, a marine sustainability researcher and a co-founder of the Russian marine plastics recycling project Holy Jelly and the initiative Taiga that was awarded as by Moscow government as the best environmental...

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European External Action Service played The World’s Future

European External Action Service played The World’s Future

The training event invited the participants from the European External Action Service (EU's diplomatic service) to take part in The World’s Future social simulation. The training was developed and facilitated by experts from the Centre for Systems Solutions and...

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Workshop with New Shores at Wrocław University of Economics

Workshop with New Shores at Wrocław University of Economics

We visited the Wrocław University of Economy for this year edition of the Szkoła Liderów Lokalnych! A group of 19 students of economics took part in a photo-presentation of various types of activism from voluntarism, social cooperatives, associations and the...

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An article about Nexus Game in ADA-magazine Weltnachrichten

An article about Nexus Game in ADA-magazine Weltnachrichten

In autumn of last year, our Nexus Game caught the attention of the Austrian Development Agency (ADA). We were asked to contribute an article about it to the first 2018 edition of the ADA-magazine Weltnachrichten. Our Marketing Specialist Sarah Nobis...

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