Energy Transition Game: workshop for AGH

Energy Transition Game: workshop for AGH

In early October we conducted a workshop for teachers at the Faculty of Energy and Fuels at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków. We presented the Energy Transition Game – a tool that academics can incorporate...

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REBOOST simulation – training for moderators

REBOOST simulation – training for moderators

As the next REBOOST local workshops in Gorj, Lusatia, and Eastern Greater Poland are on the horizon, we invited our partners from Timis Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (CCIAT), Romania, to a short moderation training.  During the meeting led...

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We played REBOOST multiplayer simulation

We played REBOOST multiplayer simulation

On the 15th of September, we invited partners and colleagues interested in the topics of regional transformation and "just transitions", to participate in a workshop with REBOOST multiplayer simulation. Last year, we introduced stakeholders from Lusatia, East Geater Poland, and...

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REBOOST on “Culture Train”

REBOOST on “Culture Train”

Our REBOOST partners presented the project on their train to Wrocław. The “Culture Train Berlin-Wrocław” is an annual initiative that gives various organizations from Germany and Poland to present their activities to the passengers of the train en-route to...

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Official start of the REBOOST project

Official start of the REBOOST project

On August 12, we met with the REBOOST project partners on ZOOM. The meeting marked the beginning of the REBOOST project. For the first half of the meeting, each partner introduced themselves, their work, and their involvement in different tasks...

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Pioneers into Practice Introductory workshop 2020

Pioneers into Practice Introductory workshop 2020

Pioneers into Practice Introductory workshop 2020 was conducted between the 8th and 11th of June. It was the first online workshop in the regular Pioneers into Practice program. Michał Pająk was one of the regional coaches involved in the...

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Long-Termism policy brief workshop

Long-Termism policy brief workshop

On May 18th and 19th, 2020, Long-Termism project partners met online to start formulating the portfolio brief - a collection of areas of interest to the project, to research and conduct experiments. This first meeting was focused on...

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Internal workshop on systems mapping – Forging Resilient Regions

Internal workshop on systems mapping – Forging Resilient Regions

On May 5, 2020, together with cross-cutting partners International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre (RCCC), we organized the Internal Demo Workshop. The workshop aimed at testing the online methods and tools...

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Moderator training for New Shores facilitators – Young Innovators Lab

Moderator training for New Shores facilitators – Young Innovators Lab

On April 15, 2020 we led training on how to facilitate the New Shores simulation and debriefing sessions. The online event was held as part of the Climate-KIC- Young Innovators 2020 Cyprus program and gathered teaching staff of the...

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Forging Resilient Regions webinar

Forging Resilient Regions webinar

On March 27, 2020, we conducted a webinar for Andalusian leaders and other cross-cutting partners. The aim of this session was to share how to create system maps using the basic features in the Miro tool. The first part...

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