First test of an advanced prototype of a new simulation

First test of an advanced prototype of a new simulation

On the 14th of February, all employees of our organization took part in a test o a new exciting social simulation. All participants took on the roles of advisors for various countries and organizations from all around the world, including...

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The RURITAGE test with students of Wyższa Szkoła Filologiczna

The RURITAGE test with students of Wyższa Szkoła Filologiczna

Two first-year English philology classes had the opportunity to play Ruritania, a simulation developed by the Centre for Systems Solutions as part of the Ruritage project. The Ruritania focuses on rural regeneration using cultural heritage - this includes developing...

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coDesign strategic simulations test at IIASA

coDesign strategic simulations test at IIASA

On the 2nd of August Michalina Kułakowska, Piotr Magnuszewski, Sarah Nobis and Michał Pająk from Centre for Systems solutions took part in a meeting at IIASA, Laxenburg connected with coDesign project. The goal of the meeting was to test 2...

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We tested our skills in moderating The World’s Future!

We tested our skills in moderating The World’s Future!

Thanks to the brilliant comments of the participants of the previous workshops, we came up with new ideas to implement into our social simulation The World’s Future. Before including new elements in the current version of The World’s Future,...

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Workshop with New Shores – testing the game with educators

Workshop with New Shores – testing the game with educators

We met with educators, lecturers, librarians and other youth workers to play New Shores - an unusual game that aims to bring the topic of participation, cooperation and making sustainable decisions closer to young citizens of Europe. Is the...

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New Shores – testing the game with young learners

New Shores – testing the game with young learners

November evenings don’t have to be boring - as we learned last Friday, testing New Shores - a Game for Democracy with members of the local Kids and Youth Club run by the Association Żółty Parasol. Players landed on...

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Climate and Society Game test at BOKU Centre for Development Research CDR

Climate and Society Game test at BOKU Centre for Development Research CDR

In our today’s world, rapid changes in nature and society are highly interconnected - climate, ecosystems, biodiversity, population, economies, and so on. Trying to understand the root causes of current problems can be very difficult. But there is a...

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Cultural Memory Game at the EDUCEN final conference

Cultural Memory Game at the EDUCEN final conference

The prototype test of Cultural Memory Game took place at the EDUCEN final conference in Dordrecht, Netherlands. Main game designer Łukasz Jarząbek, with a support of Michalina Kułakowska, held both the flood and earthquake game version. Many people participated enthusiastically...

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Cultural Memory Game open test

Cultural Memory Game open test

It was the third test of our new Cultural Memory Game which is created within the EDUCEN project. We arranged an event page on Facebook beforehand and were happy to find the office well-filled with nine players. The test was...

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Gifts of Culture internal test

Gifts of Culture internal test

We organized an internal test of Gifts of Culture game. Led by Pawel Antoniewicz, it was a chance to test the latest version of the game. In the feedback session afterward, we collected ideas for future improvements. The role-playing simulation...

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