Join Sustainable Cities – Responsible Leadership course!

Join Sustainable Cities – Responsible Leadership course!

An intensive, six-day Sustainable Cities – Responsible Leadership course aims at increasing the capacities of practitioners to walk through the complexity underlying current processes of socio-technological transition in European cities. The course will equip you with tools, knowledge, and...

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Integrated, independent, inspiring – Southern African Systems Analysis Centre (SASAC)

Integrated, independent, inspiring – Southern African Systems Analysis Centre (SASAC)

Integrated, independent, inspiring were the themes of this year Southern African Systems Analysis Centre’s Emerging Researchers Program (SASAC), which was launched 20 August 2017 in Johannesburg, South Africa! This three-week program gathered attention from many people interested in increasing their systems...

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InDilemma: a dance-science performance – European Forum Alpbach 2017

InDilemma: a dance-science performance – European Forum Alpbach 2017

The Centre for Systems Solutions had a chance not only to contribute to the opening act of the Alpbach Political Symposium, but also to take part in creating the emotionally moving final act of the conference. Piotr Magnuszewski participated...

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Bengaluru game – Alpbach-Laxenburg Group meeting at the European Forum Alpbach 2017

Bengaluru game – Alpbach-Laxenburg Group meeting at the European Forum Alpbach 2017

The Centre for Systems Solutions had a privilege to organize a Bengaluru game session during the meeting of the Alpbach-Laxenburg Group. We teamed up with the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis to facilitate a simulation of the city...

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A look at The World’s Future – European Forum Alpbach 2017

A look at The World’s Future – European Forum Alpbach 2017

The Centre for Systems Solution opened this year’s European Forum Alpbach Political Symposium with an advanced prototype of our new social simulation, The World’s Future! Created and presented together with the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, this social simulation...

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Centre for Systems Solutions contributes to the Stockholm Resilience Conference 2017

Centre for Systems Solutions contributes to the Stockholm Resilience Conference 2017

The Centre for Systems Solutions made a mark on this year Stockholm Resilience Conference! Our very own Piotr Magnuszewski contributed to the conference with his presentation “Simulation games as tools for handling cognitive and social complexity in the context...

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Erasmus+ Project Meeting

Erasmus+ Project Meeting

We live in a world of dynamic changes that affect global policy, economy and ecology. How not to get lost and be part of these processes, actively shaping our common future? We addressed these and other questions at the...

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EDUCEN Handbook on Culture and Urban Disaster

EDUCEN Handbook on Culture and Urban Disaster

European disasters in Urban city centres project already came to an end but the results of our work still live on. The EDUCEN Culture and Urban disasters Handbook is finally available! The Handbook is a printable digital tool that...

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The World’s Future game at the OECD headquarters in Paris

The World’s Future game at the OECD headquarters in Paris

Centre for Systems Solutions teamed up with International Institute for Systems Analysis (IIASA) and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to organize gaming session of the advanced prototype of The World’s Future Game. The game session was a part...

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Nexus Game Session at African Development Bank in Abidjan (Ivory Coast)

Nexus Game Session at African Development Bank in Abidjan (Ivory Coast)

CRS had a pleasure to organize a Nexus Game session at the African Development Bank office in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. Piotr Magnuszewski led gaming workshop, which gave the AfDB’s employees a chance to take a different approach to the...

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