CASCADES Final Conference – tackling cross-border climate impacts

CASCADES Final Conference – tackling cross-border climate impacts

In mid-October, a diverse assembly of 150 scientists from around the globe convened for the CASCADES final conference dedicated to the issue of cross-border climate impacts and risks. Over three days, participants from various disciplines collaborated to enhance our...

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Arctic Security Simulation

Arctic Security Simulation

We had the pleasure to run a Simulation Workshop at the “Policy implications of Arctic cross-border climate change impacts” seminar. The event was organized with the Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) and Finnish Institute of International Relations (FIIA). The seminar...

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Register for CASCADES – RECEIPT conference in October

Register for CASCADES – RECEIPT conference in October

Changes in climate that affect one area can spread to other places through various channels such as trade, foreign policies, and financial systems. These impacts can be as disruptive as the COVID-19 pandemic or the war in Ukraine. Cascading...

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Policy Simulation Platform at the COP27

Policy Simulation Platform at the COP27

We organised an interactive presentation about the Policy Simulation Platform (engage.socialsimulations) at the COP27 Science and Youth Day (November 10, 2022). The session took place at the COP27 Cascading Climate Risks Virtual Pavilion hosted by the Chatham House. The...

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CASCADES Core 3 Workshop: first reveal of the Future of Food: EU perspective

CASCADES Core 3 Workshop: first reveal of the Future of Food: EU perspective

We organised the last Core Simulation Workshop within the CASCADES project. Our team (Łukasz Jarząbek, Piotr Magnuszewski, Weronika Adamczak) presented the Future of Food simulation: EU perspective after many months of extensive preparations.  The session was held at the Royal...

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Future of Food at the UNGA77 Science Summit

Future of Food at the UNGA77 Science Summit

In late September, we held two sessions at the UNGA77 Science Summit: the Cascading Climate Impacts: Future of Food Simulation and a panel on “Navigating complexity, certainty and ambiguity: new forms of science-policy interface”. The session was organised in...

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The Future of Food simulation at the “Science advice under pressure” conference organized by SAPEA

The Future of Food simulation at the “Science advice under pressure” conference organized by SAPEA

On April 27, we had an opportunity, in collaboration with International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), to conduct a hybrid event on the largest scale in the history of our organisation. It took place during the “Science advice...

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The Future of Food simulation at the Inkundla conference

The Future of Food simulation at the Inkundla conference

Sustainability Research + Innovation Inkundla Congress 2022 took place online on April 21. As part of the event, we had the pleasure to lead the session “Cascading Climate Impacts across Geographical Boundaries” during which Piotr Magnuszewski and Michalina Kułakowska...

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‘Lessons from COVID-19 for managing transboundary climate risks and building resilience’

‘Lessons from COVID-19 for managing transboundary climate risks and building resilience’

A new article entitled "Lessons from COVID-19 for managing transboundary climate risks and building resilience" co-created by Piotr Magnuszewski and Łukasz Jarząbek has been published in the Climate Risk Management journal. It sheds light on the challenges revealed by the...

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“Europe’s cross-border trade, human security and financial connections: A climate risk perspective” CASCADES article published

“Europe’s cross-border trade, human security and financial connections: A climate risk perspective” CASCADES article published

The applications of our Cascading Climate Impacts were described in the new article "Europe's cross-border trade, human security and financial connections: A climate risk perspective" created by the CASCADES consortium. The article explores the potential impact transmission pathways of...

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