Our simulations were part of COP26 – Cascading Climate Impacts

Our simulations were part of COP26 – Cascading Climate Impacts

During the COP26, we were running, together with our partners from the Cascades project, several interactive events via Chatham House Climate Risk and Security Virtual Pavilion. Throughout the COP26, anyone could explore on their own an interactive and immersive single-player...

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CASCADES: Second Core Workshop with Project Stakeholders

CASCADES: Second Core Workshop with Project Stakeholders

The second Core Workshop with Stakeholders took place online on 21st September 2021. The workshop was organized together with Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and in collaboration with the project partners. The morning session consisted of a policy simulation...

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Raw Materials Challenge simulation at the INGSA2021 Conference

Raw Materials Challenge simulation at the INGSA2021 Conference

We ran a workshop with our Raw Materials Challenge simulation as a satellite event to the 4th International Conference on Science Advice to Governments (INGSA2021). The event took place online, on 08.09.2021. We organized this workshop together with the...

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Raw Materials Challenge simulation at the AAAS-TWAS Course on Science Diplomacy

Raw Materials Challenge simulation at the AAAS-TWAS Course on Science Diplomacy

Once again, we ran a workshop with our Raw Materials Challenge simulation. This time, we used it during the course on science diplomacy, organized jointly by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and The World Academy...

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Piotr Magnuszewski was a guest on the SAPEA podcast

Piotr Magnuszewski was a guest on the SAPEA podcast

Piotr Magnuszewski and Nicole Arbour (Belmont Forum, IIASA) were invited to the Science Advice for Policy by European Academies (SAPEA) podcast to talk about the usefulness of policy simulations in enriching science policy. The two speakers had worked together during...

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360° view of climate impacts: experiencing the future to plan adaptation

360° view of climate impacts: experiencing the future to plan adaptation

On the 31st of May, together with the Cascades project, the European Centre for Development Policy Management, PIK Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Climate Analytics, and IIASA, we organized the session ‘360° view of climate impacts: experiencing the...

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We collaborated with Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs! – Simulation webinar for the FDFA, Switzerland

We collaborated with Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs! – Simulation webinar for the FDFA, Switzerland

We facilitated the Cascading Climate Impacts simulation session during the training organized by adelphi for the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Switzerland. The event took place on the 19th of May. We originally developed the Cascading Climate Impacts policy simulation...

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Cascading Climate Impacts workshop

Cascading Climate Impacts workshop

On April 1, 2020, Piotr Magnuszewski led a session of the CASCADING CLIMATE IMPACTS simulation focused on cascading impacts of climate change-related hazards. The event, organized within the CASCADES project, engaged 50 international stakeholders from financial institutions, governments, public...

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Cascading Climate Impacts simulation test

Cascading Climate Impacts simulation test

On March 30, 2020, the CRS team tested a new simulation developed as part of the CASCADES project. The CASCADING CLIMATE IMPACTS simulation was developed to demonstrate the effects of intersecting crises occurring worldwide. It is addressed to decision-makers;...

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CASCADES conceptual framework meeting in Potsdam

CASCADES conceptual framework meeting in Potsdam

On the 18th of February Łukasz Jarząbek and Piotr Magnuszewski participated in the conceptual framework meeting of our Horizon 2020 CASCADES project.  The meeting took place in Potsdam and was organized by the project coordinator, the Potsdam Institute for Climate...

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